How Tech works

How Tech works | Trailer

In these videoseries, our tech professionals give answers to the questions (without a script) on the cards.

Way we work

Who are we? And how do we work together? What is important within Tech?

The Tech community

How big is our community? How international is it? And why do we have it?

The tech stack

Check out all about the frameworks, languages and more at


Why did our colleagues come to the Netherlands and how is the settling down going? What help did they get from


How do we onboard at How does it work, and above all; what are the experiences?

You build it, you run it, you love it our tech community

That is our motto. At, our tech professionals build software using our skills, creativity and cutting edge technology. We ensure our systems run 24/7, dealing with peaks of 7000 customer requests per minute during the holidays. We always strive to build the best for our customers. And together with other disciplines in our product teams we keep on iterating and learning to improve the things we make. As a tech professional: you build it, you run it, you love IT. In our organisation, tech is a core asset of our organisation and product teams.

But what do the tech professionals say at 

In these videoseries, our tech professionals give answers to the questions (without a script) on the cards. In a round table conversation, they talk about different topics that revolve around tech at Think about the community, relocation, way of work and more.

Check it the videos, straight from the source, our own tech professionals talk.

Are you game for these exciting tech challenges?

  • Machine Learning Engineer Search

    We help our customers to decide on their purchase and complete their order

    Education level
    Bachelor / Master
    Job experience
    4-7 / 7-10 years
  • Fullstack Engineer

    Develop squeaky clean code to help and inspire important suppliers

    Education level
    Bachelor / Master
    Job experience
    >10 / 4-7 / 7-10 years