13 October 2021 2 min

Talking Perspectives with Bart

Lead Site Reliability Engineer

Bart bolcom

At bol.com we know: new insights help us grow. Differences in culture, gender, age, interests and perspective increase our brainpower and expand our innovative thinking. That’s why we’re catching up with colleagues throughout the organisation in our ‘Talking Perspectives’ blog series. You’ll meet colleagues with inspiring ways of working, noteworthy backgrounds, and interesting views on life. One thing is for sure: we’re all unique. We have the same goal, but we each approach it differently. And that’s the way we like it.

“That’s why on stage I will try to involve everybody with that performance, because by making that connection, making that evening a little bit better for one person, I contribute to the positivity that can help the world a bit more. I truly believe that.” That’s also the believe Bart has with coding, he truly tries to make that connection with his colleagues and his work.

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