For a better tomorrow for us all

The will to improve is part of our nature. In 1999 we opened Europe’s first online bookstore. Today, we are taking the lead in making e-commerce more sustainable. We are at the heart of society and feel responsible for making a positive contribution to it. Our ambition is to reduce the impact of our activities on the planet as much as possible. While we want to encourage our customers to make sustainable choices, we create a sustainable work environment for Bol’ers.

And it doesn’t stop there. We also stand for equality and equal opportunities. We strive to break barriers to empower everybody. We believe that, together, we can make a big difference.

Becoming more sustainable We even got a B Corp certification

After years of dedication, information gathering and hard work, bol is now in proud possession of a B Corp certification. Being a B Corp means meeting high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. Sustainability Programme Manager Kirsten, was involved from the very start of the process. She lives in the middle of nature, spends a lot of time outside in her garden and strives to live as sustainably as possible. She believes it’s also important to pass this on to her children. Just like we, as a company, have to pass this sustainable way of working on to the future. For us, B Corp is an anchor to continue making sustainable choices, with which we can work, learn and improve together. What can you contribute?

Collectively, we are improving every day

Sustainable living is our new reality. We want to do better every day: from efficient packaging to using 100% local wind and solar energy in our buildings. Even deliveries are becoming more and more sustainable.

Every step counts

Smart with water

We water our gardens with water from the nearby canal. We also reduce water usage in toilets and faucets with smart sensors.

Mind the trash

Deposit empty bottles for a good cause, use our waste grabbers during a walking meeting or grab a bite in our no-waste corner.

Sustainable cups

Drink you tea, coffee and water from our sustainable cups. Or bring your own!

Fresh ingredients

Our restaurant serves dished made with local ingredients, and even from our own garden.

Energy efficient

We're continuously working on improving our climate system in our buildings to make it more energy efficient.

Office supplies

We create awareness for all bollers for using office supplies smartly.

Travel sustainable

We encourage sustainable travel. Use one of our electric shuttlebuses, bol bikes & bol (pool) cars.

Not our last step...

We're becoming more sustainable every day. We know we're not there yet, this is just the beginning.

Everyone can participate

Bol is at the heart of society and we believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to participate. That is why we founded bol bollebozen.

With colleagues and partners, we organize projects and activities to improve the language and digital skills of children in the Netherlands and Belgium. As a tech platform and Europe’s first online bookstore, we know a thing or two about this.

Charlotte Halbe - Business Analyst

“At bol you get the freedom to take on projects and make improvements yourself. Everyone here understands the importance of a more sustainable world, and so they encourage you to contribute proactively.”

Hente van den Boom - Programme Manager Bollebozen

“I have the freedom to organise the most exciting activities. I can draw on my knowledge and experience every day and the best part is, that I can make children happy. That’s the perfect combination, if you ask me.”

Is the will to improve part of your nature too?

  • Lead Product Analyst Awareness

    Lead the data way of becoming the most loved platform for our advertisers

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  • Manager Media Analytics

    Help advertisers leverage insight-driven advertising strategies

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    >10 / 7-10 years
  • Machine Learning Engineer Search

    Python, PyTorch, Tensorflow, NLP, Java, Kotlin, GCP & Elasticsearch

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    4-7 / 7-10 years